最好的球杆什么牌子:old navy是什么意思?请教~~~

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 20:38:27

1. old navy是美国的一个牌子,主要以休闲衣服为主,比较便宜,相当于真维斯等,中文的意思是“老海军”。
2. GAP也是一个美国衣服品牌,也是休闲服装,在美国是中档,在北京还算高档吧。
3. 除了以上两个品牌,还有一个叫Banana Republic(我们都叫他“香蕉共和国”)的美国休闲品牌,他们三个同属一家公司,Banana的衣服最贵,不过也是休闲。


Old Navy 解释是 老海军, 是美国服装店的名字

Gap 解释是 缺口, 缝隙, 也是美国服装店的名字


old navy从字面上理解是老海军。

Literally speaking, old navy is 老海军. In North America, old navy, as well as old boys, refer to senior workers, managers or personnel in an organization, and they are in power, authority and strategic position but they usually refuse to change.

Old navy has become a brand name of fashion in North America. It has stores all over selling clothing of Southern American accent.

Since you didn't quote your source of information, this is the best I can guess.

Gap means 缝隙. Geographically, it is the lowest point between 2 peaks. When talking about service to clients and customers, this refer to the weakest link of an organization in service delivery. Usage of this word is extensively used, depending on the scenario.
