单独纹样图案彩色:art-relate university at toronto and suggestions of major in university

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/11 07:12:45
well i'm a Gr 11 student and having some trouble to find a right univeristy for me.
firstly i'm looking for an university at toronto which has strong majors in art area (animation, CG, ADs, computer animation in film making..etc, any art that relate to computer but not tradational art.), i went to OCAD (ontatio collage of art and design)'s exhibation, can't see to many from it. Plz post the univeristy's name, major, and relate info.

secondly i want to know is it posible to read 2/more majors in the university and get degree.....and about have interview /apply the university, when is it start? what grade and what time; is it true that u can apply 3 university for free and others u have to pay?(heard it from a friend...) what can i find some short describtion of toronto's universities?

lastly, if it's possible, could u suggest some other major (not sport, musical related plz)that i can find in universities.

lolz...got a lot of question to ask...school about to start...

well thank you for ur time and if u want the points, plz ask, i'll give it to u if i find ur answer helpful.

thank you sooo much guys~~:D

take a look:i don't know more about it
wish we could be good friends