
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/04 03:54:22

While I watch the moon go down, a crow caws through the frost;
Under the shadows of maple-trees a fisherman moves with his torch;
And I hear, from beyond Suzhou, from the temple on Cold Mountain,
Ringing for me, here in my boat, the midnight bell.

月落乌啼霜满天, 江枫渔火对愁眠。
姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。

A hundred mountains and no bird,
A thousand paths without a footprint;
A little boat, a bamboo cloak,
An old man fishing in the cold river-snow.

千山鸟飞绝, 万径人踪灭。
孤舟蓑笠翁, 独钓寒江雪。