
来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/07 10:37:47
我希望给我他们关于他们用法的区别 不是词义

keep your temper 不要发火
He was in such a good temper this morning
He's in a very bad temper 他非常生气
I enjoyed myself at the party. I was in a good mood.我在聚会上玩得很开心 心境很好
Don't disturb him. He's in a very bad mood
别打扰他 他心情不好

mood, humor, temper区别:

These nouns refer to a temporary state of mind or feeling.
Mood is the most inclusive term:
Mood 是范围很广的词语:
a contentious mood;
a cheerful mood.
“I was in no mood to laugh and talk with strangers” (Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley).
“我没有心情和陌生人一起谈笑” (玛丽·渥斯通克拉夫特·雪莱)。
Humor often implies a state of mind resulting from one's characteristic disposition or temperament; it sometimes suggests fitfulness or variability:
Humor 常指由一个人的性格倾向或性情引起的精神状态;有时指不规则的或变化的状态:
The humor of the Cabinet shifted after the scandal was exposed.
“All which had been done . . . was the effect not of humor, but of system” (Edmund Burke).
“所有已经做过的…不是情绪而是制度的结果” (爱德蒙·伯克)。
Temper most often refers to a state of mind marked by irritability or intense anger:
Temper 通常指具有被激怒或大怒性质的一种精神状态:
“The nation was in such a temper that the smallest spark might raise a flame” (Macaulay).
“全国上下都十分愤慨以至于稍有火星都可能引起熊熊火焰” (麦考利)

temper 是脾气
he has hot temper 他脾气暴躁

mood 指心情
do you wanna play basketball with us? 和我们玩球吗?
sorry, i am not in that mood. 不好意思,我没心情玩

temper n. 1(C,U)脾气,情绪 2.(U)(脾性)温和,平静 3.(sing.)发火,发怒 4.(U)韧度
vt. 1.调和,使缓和 2.使回火
mood [mode的派生词] n.(C)1.心情,情绪[同]state of mind 2.[语法](动词的)语气

temper 侧重于脾气暴躁与否
mood 侧重于心情好坏与否

temper 情绪;性情;脾气;专指坏脾气

mood 心情;心境;情绪;心情不好;