暗黑者2 720p 百度云:committed facility是什么?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高考问答 时间:2024/07/08 09:14:15






(1) 效忠的;忠于…的


(1) 效忠的;忠于…的
a committed doctor
Mary's a committed nurse.
(2) 承诺…的



(1) 容易, 简易, 灵巧, 熟练, 便利, 敏捷, 设备, 工具


(1) 1. All equipment, sites, lines, circuits, and software available for d ata processing and data communications.
所有可用于数据处理和数据通信的设备、场地、线路、电路和软件等。 2. Data processing equipment available for use by the executive system of a computer. | 可供计算机执行系统使用的数据处理设备。 3. Programs and routines used by manufacturer?furnished software, such as compilers, loaders, input/output handlers, etc. | 通常由厂家作为软件提供的一些程序和例行程序,如编译程序、装入程序、输入输出 处理程序等。 4. Manufacture?furnished software that programmers may use to perform common operations such as sorts, printing, or copying files, etc. | 厂家提供的供程序员用来完成一些共同操作(例如排序、打印或拷贝文件等)的软件。 5. A measure of how easy it is to use a data processing system. | 一种使用数据处理系统方便程度的量度。


(1) [常用复]便利, 设备, 器材, 工具, 装置; 机构
(2) 熟练, 机敏, 灵巧; 简易, 轻便
(3) 随和, 和善, 柔和
(4) 可能(性), 便利(条件)
(5) 研究室, 工厂, 机关
(6) 实验室; 反应堆 -ties for travel 旅行的设备 What -ties do you have for learning English? 你学习英语借助什么工具? His facility with languages is amazing. 他运用语言的熟练程度实在是惊人。


give -ties for
(1) 给予...方便
accord -ties for
(1) 给予...方便
afford -ties for
(1) 给予...方便
with facility
(1) 容易; 流利


additional -ties
(1) 附加装置
additional compensatory financing -ties
(1) 额外的补偿资助业务
aircraft shielding test facility
(1) 飞机防护试验装置
amenity -ties
(1) 舒适设备
approach control facility
(1) 进场管理设备
arithmetic facility
(1) 运算部件
athletic facility
(1) 体育设备
automatic infrared facility
(1) 红外自动装置
automobile handling facility
(1) 汽车装卸设备
auxiliary -ties
(1) 辅助设备
banking facility
(1) 银行业务; 金融机构
blind approach facility
(1) 盲目临场装置
buffer stock financing facility
(1) 缓冲存货资金供应办法
bulk energy facility
(1) 大型能量设备
campus -ties
(1) 学校设备
capital facility
(1) 固定资本; 不动产
catering facility
(1) 公共饮食业; 公共饮食业的房屋和设备
civil construction -ties
(1) 土木建筑设施
commentary -ties
(1) (新闻)评论设备
commercial facility
(1) 商业企业; 商业企业的房屋和设备
communal -ties
(1) 公共设施
communication facility
(1) 通信[交通]设备
compile time facility
(1) 编译时的方便
complementary financial facility
(1) 追加贷款
conversion -ties
(1) 转换[换算]功能
credit facility
(1) 银行对同业提供信用, 信用透支, 信贷组织, 融通便利
curium recovery facility
(1) 锔回收设施
current account -ties
(1) 活期帐户业务
data medium conversion -ties
(1) 数据媒体转换功能
debugging aid facility
(1) 调试支援功能
development security facility
(1) 发展担保基金
direct access storage facility
(1) 直接存取[存储]设备
disposal facility
(1) 清除器械
drainage facility
(1) 排水设施
dual humping -ties
(1) 双溜放设备
durable facility
(1) 耐用设备
educational -ties
(1) 教育设备
employee -ties
(1) 雇员福利设施
equipment facility
(1) 现有生产设备
experimental facility
(1) 实验装置
(2) (反应堆中的)实验管道
experimental cartographic facility
(1) 实验制图设备
export credit guarantee facility
(1) 出口信贷担保办法
export credit insurance facility
(1) 出口信贷保险业务
exposure -ties
(1) 曝晒设施[设备]
(2) 暴露(试验)架
extended facility
(1) 中期贷款
fixed storehouse -ties
(1) 仓库固定设备
forward exchange -ties
(1) 远期外汇业务
free air facility
(1) 空气动力试验设备
gas dynamic facility
(1) 气体动力研究设备
genlock -ties
(1) 强迫同步能力[设备]
glide slope facility
(1) 滑翔道指示设备
government-run facility
(1) 国营企业, 国有生产资料
grading and packaging -ties
(1) 分级包装设备
handling facility
(1) 操纵灵便
handling -ties
(1) 装卸设备, 搬运设备, 起重设备
harbour -ties
(1) 港口设备
harbour radio telephone -ties
(1) 港口无线电电话设备
hardware interrupt facility
(1) 【自】硬件中断设备
heat-exchange facility
(1) 换热器, 热交换器
heating facility
(1) 加热装置
hostling facility
(1) 整备设施
idle facility
(1) 停工企业, 闲置的工业设备
image orbiting facility
(1) 图象旋转设备(防止烧坏靶面)
impulse measurement -ties
(1) 脉冲测量设备
industrial facility
(1) 工业企业生产设备
infrared facility
(1) 红外装置
in-house facility
(1) (企业)内部的设备
input-output media conversion -ties
(1) 输入输出媒体转换功能
international labour compensatory facility
(1) 国际劳动补偿办法
job -ties
(1) 工程设施
kilorod facility
(1) 千棒设施(钍元件试验用)
landing facility
(1) 着陆设施
leased facility
(1) 【信】租用设备
line facility
(1) 【信】线路设备
long live facility
(1) 耐用设备
maintenance facility
(1) 辅助设备; 维护设备
manufacture-in-bond -ties
(1) 保税制度
marine bunker -ties
(1) 海港油库设备
marine exposure -ties
(1) 海洋曝晒站
marketing -ties
(1) 销售设施
mechanized freight-handling -ties
(1) 货物装卸机械化设备
microwave glide path facility
(1) 微波滑翔[微波降落]导航设备
monetary facility
(1) 金融机构
monitoring -ties
(1) 监听[监视]装置
mutual credit -ties
(1) 互惠信贷
navigation facility
(1) 导航设备
neutron-exposure facility
(1) 中子照射装置
off-set facility
(1) 辅助设施; 非生产设施
off-site facility
(1) 【化工】厂外设施
oil facility
(1) 石油信贷(为石油购买者提供的信贷)
oil-loading -ties
(1) 装卸石油产品的设备
omnibearing distance facility
(1) 全向测距导航设备
optical evaluation facility
(1) 光学检验设备
override facility
(1) 人控功能
paralysis -ties
(1) 钝化设备
passage facility
(1) 过境便利
picture orbiting facility
(1) 图象旋转设备(防止烧坏靶面)
piggyback handling facility
(1) 背负式运输装卸设备
plant-and-equipment facility
(1) 生产设备; 固定生产基金
plug-in -ties
(1) 插入工具[设备]
plutonium reclamation facility
(1) 钚回收设备
port -ties
(1) 港口设施
port terminal -ties
(1) 水陆联运设备
prime navaids -ties
(1) 【航空】主要导航设施
priority facility
(1) 优先处理
production facility
(1) 生产设备; 工业企业
productive facility
(1) 生产机构
public facility
(1) 公共建筑
public transit facility
(1) 公共交通设施
radio beacon facility
(1) 无线电信标设备
rail facility
(1) 铁路
recreation facility
(1) 游憩设施
(1) 文娱设备
recursive facility
(1) 递归能力
rehandle -ties
(1) 转载设备
reserve production -ties
(1) 后备生产措施
retrievable surface storage facility
(1) (放射性废物)可回收地面贮存设施
reversing facility
(1) 反风设备
run-on facility
(1) 连续运转设备, 运行保持设备
safety net facility
(1) 安全网基金
sanitary facility
(1) 工业卫生设施, 卫生设备
semi-automatic heat facility
(1) 半自动热装置
separation facility
(1) 分离装置
service facility
(1) (客车)整备设备
servicing -ties
(1) 整备[维修]设备
shielded-cave facility
(1) 屏蔽(地下)室设施
shield-test facility
(1) 防护试验装置
slaughtering -ties
(1) 屠宰设备
sizing facility
(1) 磨准器
solar space heating facility
(1) 太阳能采暖器
solid storage engineering test facility
(1) 固体放射性废物贮存工程试验设备
solid waste treatment facility
(1) 固体废物处理设备
special customs-privileged -ties
(1) 特别关税优惠设施
stack gas desulfurization facility
(1) 烟道气脱硫设备
standby facility
(1) 备用设备, 备用贷款
state-of-the-art facility
(1) 现代化的设备
storage facility
(1) 贮存设备
(2) 器材库
studio display facility
(1) 演播室重放设备, 演播室显示设备
supplementary credit facility
(1) 补充信贷
talk-back -ties
(1) 互相通话设备
teaching -ties
(1) 教学设施
terminal -ties
(1) 油库[码头]设施
test facility
(1) 试验[测试]设备
tidal range exposure facility
(1) 潮汐带曝露试验站
toll facility
(1) 收通行费的道路设施
trace facility
(1) 跟踪功能
track -ties
(1) 线路设备
transmission facility
(1) 输电线
transport facility
(1) 交通运输工具
truck-loading -ties
(1) 装车设备
underground drainage -ties
(1) 地下排水设备
urban -ties
(1) 城市设施
user facility
(1) 用户设备
utilities -ties
(1) 公用设施
vision -ties
(1) 图象设备
warning facility
(1) 报警设备
waste calcination facility
(1) 放射性废液 煅烧设施
welfare treatment facility
(1) 福利设施
wire communication facility
(1) 有线通信设备
facility of access
(1) 有效性
facility of telegraph control room
(1) 电报控制室设备


(1) 灵巧,熟练
He has great facility in learning languages.
Her facility with / in languages is surprising.
He showed great facility in performing task.
(2) (pl) 设施,设备
There are facilities for cooking in the kitchen.
Are there washing facilities in the school?
